Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Post from the future

2059, Underground Sea Bunker in Japan


-Yes my young infant?

-why did you decide to waste your time writing a blog in college when you could have been fighting global warming?

-Who do you think you are, asking impertinent questions like that, meaningless grasshopper?

-Easy on the insulting century old pop-culture reference Pops. I'm just trying to know more about life before I get into it.

-So you want to cheat?

-Pretty much.

- Good enough for me. Well, I thought it'd be cool to write stuff. I've always thought it was awesome to be able to transmit ideas through little drawings, and the internet made it terrifyingly easy to do! It's like you discover how great eating good things can be and then you realize you have an endless fridge in some corner of your attic, always filled with exotic fresh food. Boy would that be great, I'd definitely go with some Pineapple right now... Maybe with some fish and dried dates...

-Granpa. You're acting like a 70 year old. This tangent has nothing to do with the subject.

-I am 70.


-You were saying?

-About this blog thing...

-Ah yes. Well I really liked music, see. Sharing it. Listening to it. And talking with my friends about random things. And a number of subjects I wanted to talk about or share but that I've forgotten by now. It sucks to get old, you know?

-I'm sure it does, you 18 year old disturbed pseudo-intellectual.

Back to your blog: You're a horrible writer. You ignore most rules of coherent blogging and instead produce this pretentious mash of unfollowable thoughts. Plus this entry is precedes any actual blog content - Its one of the two only posts, and both are about why you are doing something, even though you haven't actually done anything. Were you lacking self confidence to the point that you had to write out your motivations on the blog before having the balls to post anything? Why are you such a justification junkie?

-Did it occur to you I had no idea what I was doing?

-So you're not a coward, you just can't think of something before doing it?

-Hey. Wait a second.


-This isn't real.

-No. This is all some awkward college kid imagining a conversation about his future self talking to his grandson and explaining why he started this vague approximation of a blog because he didn't want to do his homework.

-So I could both be doing something useful AND not insulting myself? This is pretty terrible.

-Yeah you're pretty bad at this. If you really didn't want to do your homework you might as well have spent your time writing a useful entry to this blog.

-Well fuck you. I'm never having imaginary kids again. Hopefully that'll prevent me from imaginary grandkids and getting lessons from my subconscious.


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