Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Principle Of Maximum Confusion

On this beautiful sunny day were I should be outside enjoying the fresh air, I have decided to sit at my desk and stare at my computer for a while. For my defense, my window's open and I do have a nice view, so all is not lost.

In any event, this early Spring weather somehow made me think of Mclusky.


"Mcluskyism: A Sides"
Too Pure Records, 2006


Let's put it this way: If you have ever craved something agressive, yet that retains enough melody to not just sound like a record of bacon frying, Mclusky will satisfy that. And so much more.

Making nonsensical shouted/yelled lyrics ("We take more drugs than a touareg funk band"? Really?) meet with gnarly guitars and awesome pop hooks, this compilation of A sides from the three Welsh men that make up Mclusky is quite glorious.

Starting with the 1 minute and 12 seconds Joy, this record is clear as to what its going to offer you: not necessarily joy, but badly distorted guitars, drum and bass playing a skeletal version of Ramones songs with some of the greatest lyrics ever written being harshly thrown at you. However, saying that Mclusky is about noise is about as wrong as saying that AC/DC is a metal band. Underneath all the yelling and the constant sonic attack, these guys have come up with some of the greatest melodic hooks I've heard in a while, some maxed-out version of the Strokes if they had decided be a punk band and were a tad more into the Monty Pythons.

Highlights in this album are numerous, and will provide some awesome (albeit confusing for people not familiar with Mclusky's oeuvre) material for late-night street drunk singing. Lightsabre Cocksucking Blues should be the Blitzkrieg Bop of the 00's, powerful, noisy, catchy: 110 seconds of blissful agression that will leave your neck hurting and your throat oh how very happily soar.

To Hell With Good Intentions will act as an evil little brother to the previous song: slower tempo, which allow an understanding of the words being thrown at you. Watch out though: the lyrics don't make more sense than in the previous songs. Still, you will more than gladly yelp them loudly when the opportunity arises.

Alan Is A Cowboy Killer, following those two songs (pretty evil trio there) distills drops of calmness in the ocean of glorious cheap distortion that is Mclusky. That's only to surprise you even more when yelling comes back, convincing you that Alan indeed is a cowboy killer.

All the other songs also are worth your utmost attention. Mclusky gives faith in this dark (even though today is still sunny) musical era, because Mcluskyism proves that you can still make original music today without being too proficient technically or technologically. Kick the computer out, plug that damn thing in, turn it to 11 and play (that Mclusky doesn't get the recognition it deserved, and still deserves (even thought the band has sadly broken up), is what's wrong).

-Note to Invading Aliens: Avoid This Town Like This Town Avoided Us
-Note to self: Be A Wreck By Half Past Ten. Be Strong. Be Proud. Be Able. Be Charmed.

Drowned In Sound Review - Couldn't agree more with the last paragraph

In a world were musicians would get what they deserve, Mcluskyism would be a religion.



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